PICOT recently commissioned a Three (3) year Action (2020 – 2022), Enhancing Access to Skills development and Reduce Unemployment among Youth through strengthening capacity of Local Civil Society Organizations in West Nile, Uganda (EARN PROJECT). Being implemented in three districts Yumbe, Koboko and Maracha. As lead applicant of the EU funded Action, PICOT is working with a Local CBO (UREA) to improve employability and entrepreneurship skills through promoting non-formal skills, entrepreneurship and information communication and technology (ICT) skills of youth aged 15-30 years to increase access to employment opportunities and incomes for inclusive and sustainable growth.
The overall objective of the project is to improve Employability and Entrepreneurship skills through promoting Non-formal skills, Information Communication and Technology (ICT) skills of youth aged 15-30 years to increase access to employment opportunities and incomes for inclusive and sustainable growth. The project shall target a total of 930 direct beneficiaries in the three districts.

The project aims at addressing the unemployment, poverty and other youth challenges by providing the young women and men skills and knowledge that will enable them to lead a sound life, be absorbed in the job market or create their own employment through entrepreneurship, Life skills, vocational and ICT skills training.
The specific objective
SO1: To Increase access to labour markets through non-formal and Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills training to promote gainful l employment and integration of 900 vulnerable youth into the community.
SO2: To increase opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment through climate-resilient and sustainable agroforestry practices for 6 youth groups; and
SO3: Strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of PICOT and 1 local Civil Society organization (Co-beneficiary) to effectively and efficiently implement the action.